Which famous writers do you know? What can you remember about them? Sometimes is difficult to remember all the details about their lives, isn't it? We have the solution!
http://www.iesarroyodelamiel.es/ |
1. We can watch a video that summarizes the information of the person.
2. We try to remember as much details as we can, and watch the video again.
3. We solve the gymkana answering the questions in the clues.
We give you an example of a writer, a video and some questions that you can use to learn his biography.
-Biography: William Shakespeare
-Video: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/es/node/17645
1. What was the name of Shakespeare's children?
2. How many sisters did he have?
3. What is the name of his short poems?
4. What is the name of his famous tragedy?
Have fun!